Certified Organization



Certified Senior Instructor

Renkei Hashimoto

Contact: nishino.germany@gmail.com

Nishino Nuremberg 


●June 22nd, 2024 (Saturday)

Place : Da Cheng Chuan – Schule für inneres Kung Fu
Löbleinstraße 44( Rgb ), 90409 Nürnberg

Time: 17:00-19:00

●August 10th, 2024 (Saturday) 

●September 28th, 2024 (Saturday)

●October 19th, 2024 (Saturday)

●November 2nd, 2024 (Saturday)

Place: Studio 3, Bleichstraße 22b,  

90429 Nürnberg

Time: 17:30-19:30


Please apply by e-mail.

The school welcomes all residents of Nuremberg as well as Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, Cologne, Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Düsseldorf (Germany), Zurich, Geneva, Basel, Bern, Lausanne (Switzerland), Paris, Lyon, Marseille, Lille, Toulouse (France), Amsterdam, Rotterdam (Netherlands), Copenhagen, Aarhus (Denmark), Warsaw (Poland), Prague (Czech Republic), Vienna (Austria).

Experience a breathing technique that is different from Yoga, Tai Chi, Pilates, Meditation, Aikido, Karate, etc.!

More details will be announced here later. Look forward to it!

For inquiries, please contact us by e-mail.

The Nishino Breathing Method

Discover the power of conscious breathing 

with the Nishino Breathing Method 

– a groundbreaking approach that activates all the cells in your body, 

promoting greater health, inner peace, and vitality. 

By harnessing the energy of your breath, 

you can transform your own life and ultimately create a better world for all.

Certified Senior Instructor

Renkei Hashimoto

Basic Breathing Exercises


Ki Energy Enhancing Practice with Partner